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Arizona Cataract Surgery Overview

We serve Mesa, Scottsdale and greater Phoenix cataract patients.

Cataract Surgery in PhoenixA cataract diagnosis simply means that the lens inside of your eye has become cloudy. Fortunately, a skilled surgeon can restore your vision by replacing your cloudy lens with a clear, new, artificial lens.

The first step is a thorough eye exam to determine the severity of your cataracts and make sure you don't have any additional problems such as dry eye or macular degeneration.

If your cataracts are mild, better vision may be possible with new eyeglasses. However, once cataracts interfere with daily activities such as reading, driving or watching television, surgery is recommended.

Cataract surgery at Q Vision is performed in a State of Arizona licensed center conveniently located within our office. The process is straightforward: after you check in, a nurse administers eye drops and prepares you for surgery. An anesthetist provides medication to help you relax, and you’ll be asleep for about two minutes while local anesthetic is administered. The procedure itself typically takes 8-10 minutes and is generally free of discomfort. After surgery, your nurse will review your post-operative instructions, and then you are free to go home.

Most of our Scottsdale, Mesa and Phoenix cataract surgery patients recover quickly and see better very soon after surgery - often by the next day. However, those patients who need glasses must heal for one month in order to accurately measure a new prescription and achieve the full benefit of surgery.

If you are contemplating cataract surgery in Phoenix, we encourage you to read our article, Three Key Cataract Surgery Questions, for information on how you can achieve the best possible result from your procedure.

In addition, you can find more information about your lens implant options by visting Distance Vision Lenses and Near and Distance Vision Lenses.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cataract Surgery

(click a question to view answer)

How do cataracts grow? What does it mean for a cataract to be ripe?
The term cataract refers to cloudiness of the lens in the eye. When a cataract "grows", this simply means that the lens becomes cloudier. Cataracts are sometimes called "ripe" when the cloudiness reaches the point that surgery is indicated.
Can I have both eyes operated on at the same time?
Cataract surgery is performed one eye at a time, with a minimum of one week between eyes.
Who will do my surgery?
All Q Vision cataract surgery is personally performed by Dr. Tariq Qamar, a renowned cataract surgery Phoenix specialist.
How long has Dr. Qamar performed cataract surgery?
Dr. Qamar has performed cataract surgery since 1995. He first performed cataract surgery in Arizona in 2002.
How risky is cataract surgery? When should I have surgery?
Cataract surgery is thought of as low-risk, but not no-risk. Surgery is indicated when the inherent risks are outweighed by the potential improvement in vision.
How soon after surgery can I return to normal activities?
Phoenix, Mesa and Scottsdale cataract patients can resume most normal activities the next day after surgery. However, some activities popular in Phoenix, such as swimming or lifting weights, should be avoided at least two weeks.
Will I need glasses after surgery?
There are many factors that determine whether you will need glasses after surgery including the overall health of your eyes, astigmatism and whether or not you elect for additional services such as Distance Vision Enhancement or Near and Distance Enhancement. Please let us know if reducing or eliminating the need for glasses after surgery is a priority for you.
How exactly are cataracts removed? Are lasers involved?
No matter which Mesa, Scottsdale or Phoenix cataract surgery facility you go to, almost all cataracts are removed via a process known as phacoemulsification, whereby the cloudy lens is liquefied with high frequency sound waves into small particles that are removed by a tiny vacuum device. Recently, though, a new laser technology has been introduced that can assist with the first part of the procedure. This partial laser technique, commonly called "laser cataract surgery", carries a steep out-of-pocket cost, offers no proven benefit, and many believe the rate of complications is higher. Therefore, "laser cataract surgery" is not offered at Q Vision.
Can my cataract come back?
Once a cataract is removed, it is gone for good, but there is a thin membrane inside of the eye that can become cloudy after cataract surgery and it can seem like the cataract has returned. However, a brief treatment with a YAG laser to open the membrane can once again restore your vision.
Can vitamins or eye drops cure cataracts?
Some companies market cataract-related eye drops and vitamins. Unfortunately, these products are of no benefit.
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